
Finally, the question is asked, "What's in it for those who No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow surely, but the psychological satisfactions of feeling that you belong to an organ- ization of similar minded people, the possibility of contacting others in person with a little more security about them than would have been the case from just writing a letter, and finally the sat- isfaction of knowing that financially you are supporting the only efforts that have EVER been made by anyone (with the possible ex- ception of Dr. Hirschfeld in Germany in the early 1900s) to bring the behavior of FPation out in the open, to study it, to acquaint lay and professional people with it, and to help provide understan- ding to wives, parents, public and for that matter the TV himself. All of us bewail the fact that society takes the attitude it does, but as Mark Twain said about the weather, nobody does anything about it. We try. So there are my answers to the principle objectives, now let us proceed to discuss a new development.

I have consulted my attorney and have been advised that it would provide several advantages to incorporate FPE into a nonprofit corporation. One of these advantages would be the protection of names since it would take a very unusual court action to force them to be revealed--much less likely than when they are under private and individual sponsorship in which the integrity of the individual is actually the only protection. Another is that moneys have to be accounted for since tax returns have to be made. Over the past few months it has become evident that some people do not like the idea of a "sorority" for men. They feel it labels us, that it is undig- nified and that we cannot do the best educational job under this banner. I have come to agree with this point of view and can the- refore see the need of a change particularly from the public point of view. It seems, therefore, to be in the best interests of every- one and of the overall purposes of the organization to incorporate under the name of the "FOUNDATION FOR PERSONALITY EXPRESSION". That is a long and impressive sounding name but note that its init- ials are still FPE. Critics might also note that I, Virginia, have made this decision and this, of course, will be taken as fur- ther evidence of domination and undemocratic actions. But who else is to make this decision? Are any of those who accuse me of dom- ination willing to come forward and have THEIR true names appear on the incorporation papers of this Foundation? If so, please con- tact me at once, as I need others willing to put themselves on the public record for the good of the cause.
